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Antiwordle answer today with pro tips (April 2024)


NCERT Infrexa

Think you’re a Wordle master? AntiWordle flips the script! In this game, your goal is to avoid guessing the correct word for as long as possible.

DeveloperJosh Wardle
GenreWord game
WebsiteScroll down ⬇️

How to play Antiwordle?

Think of it as the opposite of Wordle. Your goal is to NOT guess the secret word! The colors change with each attempt, guiding you toward strategic failure! Here’s how it works:


Where to Play Online?

Play AntiWordle for as long as you want! The official website offers unlimited puzzles with 5-letter words, and some versions even have timed challenges. Access it from your desktop or phone.

AntiWordle Pro Tips

Antiwordle answer today

April 3, 2024OUGHT

Is AntiWordle Unlimited safe?

The original AntiWordle by Josh Wardle is free, safe, and ad-free.

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