Dordle game | Daily and free Dordle with answers

Daily and free Dordle


Dordle is a new word puzzle game inspired by the Wordle word guessing game. The game is actually a harder version of the wordle unlimited word game.

While the game may not be the most popular word game like Wordle on the internet, it is an interesting example of how games can be used to teach important concepts by using a fun and engaging gameplay mechanic.

The game was developed after learning about the worldwide popularity of the Wordle Unlimited game.

Dordle game | Daily and free Dordle with answers

How to Play Online

The gameplay of the Dordle is similar to the Wordle word game where the player has to guess the hidden words on multiple tries.

The hidden words will be the answer to the game. However, the difference between the Wordle and Dor-dle is that, unlike the wordle, you have to find the 2 hidden 5-letter words (answers) in 7 tries in it.

Where the wordle allows the users to find a single answer in 5 maximum tries.

To play the game you need to follow the steps below –

  • Visit the game website
  • Start with a 5 letter word
  • Check the color of the character, if you see yellow that means the word consists of the answers but it has the wrong position. However, if you see the green color it means the character consists of answers and is located at the right position.
  • Try guessing the word and at the end of the game, you will be able to win the game by guessing the right words.

If you need dedicated help, please visit this article as it has complete information regarding the word-guessing gameplay.

Where to play?

You can play the word game online for free on your computer or mobile. If you want to play the game now, please click the button below –


Since the game is new, it is not available on multiple platforms, however, its web browser mode is available to play online for free on your computer.

  • Web browser

How does it work?

If you have been playing the Wordle game, you should be aware of the fact that Dordle works on the same mechanism as Wordle works.

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The game has quickly become one of the most popular games on the internet. Players can find it on websites like Infrexa Games World and Zarathustra.

The game is available for desktop computers.


You can play the game in two different modes, Daily and Free Dordle. In Daily mode, all players receive the same, double mystery words challenge on a daily basis.

However, in free mode, you can play Play unlimited games, any day and at any time.

  1. Daily
  2. Free

The game can be played on any device that is connected to the internet and has a dependable browser.


  • This game is similar to Wordle because it has a grid-like structure, limited chances, and a word to find.
  • The behavior in the game is structurally identical to Wordle. You know these rules because you’ve seen them before, such as when words repeat and are valid.
  • Wordle is easy, but Dordle uses harder game mechanics to make creating words more fun.

The rules

It is a game about solving two Wordle puzzles at the same time. You have to play word guessing but with constrained time.

Use your time wisely and use quick, judicious moves to beat the game every time. Keep an eye out for letters you are familiar with, the frequency of letter usage, and other factors to maximize your clues.

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The game is simple to learn but difficult to master. There are several different strategies that can be employed to win, and the game is always enjoyable to play.


  • It is a fun and addicting game that can be played with friends or family.
  • It can help improve motor and mental skills important in daily life.
  • It is a great way to relieve boredom and stress.
  • It can help people learn new things, such as new vocabulary or English concepts.

Difference between Dordle and Wordle

Dordle and Wordle are both daily word puzzles that offer the same color-based hint tiles and grid-like structure. However, there are many differences between the two –

  • Doodle is often seen as a daredevil’s Wordle because of its fast-paced word puzzles that challenge you to work out the hidden words in two grids.
  • Wordle is a game with 5 character words and 6 guesses, while Dordle is a game with two 5-letter words and 7 guesses.
  • It is a word game that’s more difficult than the original Wordle game, which only has one difficulty level.

Is the game free?

The answer to this question that yes! The game is absolutely free to play on any device. There is no subscription or any other hidden fee in the game.

Is Dordle safe for kids?

The game is safe for kids to play online as it does not contain any adult ads or words. It is basically, made to improve the mental skills of the kids.

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