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How to prevent yourself from Common cold?

Common cold

NCERT Infraxa

Common cold: Anyone can recognize the symptoms of a cold – runny nose, sore throat (itchiness), and persistent sneezing.

But very few people know the facts about it, such as the common cold, the causes of cold, and what are the remedies or cures for cold.

And most importantly, how can you stay away from cold and flu? Here’s all about it –

What is a cold?

The common cold is caused by a virus. More than 200 types of viruses are responsible for the disease, but the most common type is the rhinovirus. It is believed to be responsible for 50% of cold cases.

Coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza, and parainfluenza are some other viruses that can cause the common cold.

How does the common cold start?

You can get this disease from people who are already suffering from this virus.

Having physical contact with someone who already has a cold or touching surface that has been contaminated with the virus, such as a computer keyboard, door latch or spoon, or touching someone’s nose or mouth who is infected with this virus.

You can also catch them from infected droplets in the air released by someone sneezing or coughing.

A cold occurs when a virus attaches to the lining of your nose or throat. During this time, the body’s immune system tries to protect you from any damage by sending white blood cells to attack these microbes.

If you have not been infected with this virus before, your immune system is not ready to fight it. Because of this, your nose and throat swell and become mucus.

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You may not realize it, but your body’s energy is spent fighting the cold virus, due to which you feel tired.

A myth that needs to be busted – you don’t get sick from getting a cold or getting wet.

However, due to these, the chances of getting a cold definitely increase.

In fact, your chances of getting a cold are higher when you are overly tired, under emotional stress, or have allergies in your throat or nose.

Stages of Common Cold

Because the common cold can be caused by many different viruses, the progression and severity of its symptoms vary from person to person.

In general, symptoms are likely to develop two to three days after being infected.

It may also happen that some people have very mild symptoms, while others may have very severe symptoms. The types of symptoms of cold also differ.

Some people may only have a build-up of mucus in the nose, while others may have all the symptoms.

Which symptoms develop depends on the underlying health of the infected person.

Most people get better with a cold in seven to ten days, although some people may take more or less time to recover.

Again this depends on the virus that caused the infection as well as the underlying health of the patient.

Common Cold Symptoms

Symptoms of a cold generally, take a few days to develop symptoms. It is very rare that the symptoms of a cold to appear suddenly.

Often we are not able to differentiate between the symptoms of a cold and the flu. But knowing the differences between cold and flu symptoms can help you decide how to treat yourself.

You will also get an idea of ​​whether you need to go to the doctor or not.

Nasal symptoms of the common cold:

Brain and neck symptoms of cold and flu:

Physical symptoms of colds:

Common Cold Causes

The common cause of cold is a common disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Cold cough occurs when you breathe in infected air with virus particles released from the nose of an infected person by sneezing, coughing, or speech, and with the breath, the virus goes inside your body.

You can get the virus from contaminated objects such as door latches, telephones, children’s toys, and towels that have been contaminated by touching an infected person. Touching those things can also infect.

Rhinovirus (the most common cause of cold and cough) can survive for up to 3 hours on a hard surface or on the hands.

Most viruses are classified into one of several groups. These groups include:

Some other common viruses that cause colds have been isolated, such as a respiratory syncytial virus.

But there are still some other viruses that have not yet been recognized by modern science.


Although it is impossible to completely prevent a cold, there are steps you can take to reduce the chances of yourself and your family contracting the virus:

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You rarely need to visit a doctor for the diagnosis of a cold cough. Recognizing the symptoms of a cold is often the diagnosis.

If these symptoms continue for a week or more, you need to see a doctor, as they may be symptoms of something else, such as the flu or throat disease.

If you only have a cold, you can expect the virus to keep you infected for about a week to 10 days. A person infected with the flu also recovers in up to 1 week.

But if the symptoms of infection do not go away in a week, then there may be a possibility of developing another disease.

Doctors may have to take many tests to know exactly whether the body has symptoms of flu or a cold.

Because colds and flu have similar symptoms and treatments, diagnosis only helps to make sure you’re getting enough attention to be healthy.

Common Cold Treatment

There is no cure for the common cold. So treatment has two goals: to make you feel better and to help you fight off the virus.

Getting plenty of rest is important for the treatment of a cold.

You will feel most comfortable in a warm and humid environment.

This facilitates the flow of mucus in the throat as well as helps in reducing congestion in the throat.

There is no specific treatment for the virus that causes the common cold. But you can get relief by treating its symptoms.

If a child has aches and pains with a fever of 100.5 degrees or more, then he is given paracetamol (consult a doctor once before taking the medicine). Adults can also take paracetamol.

If you have a sore throat, often gargle with 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of warm water.

A decongestant that contains pseudoephedrine helps to open and clear your nose, but only temporarily.

Decongestants (nasal spray) such as oxymetazoline (Afrin) also help. But if they are used for more than three or five days, they can cause a “rebound” effect.

This means producing more mucus in the nose and throat and increasing congestion in the throat.

Pseudoephedrine can increase your blood pressure and heart rate.

If you have heart disease, high BP, prostate cancer or other prostate problems, diabetes, or thyroid problems, then do not take any kind of medicine without a doctor’s advice.

What to do if you have a common cold frequently

If you are having frequent colds and your body is also feeling a little sick, then these measures will help to remove the cold as soon as possible:

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