Sedecordle game

Sedecordle answer for today (April 2024)


Sedecordle is one of the many wordle game alternatives that is becoming increasingly viral on the internet these days.

If you love Wordle, get ready for Sedecordle! This unique puzzle game takes the word-guessing concept to the next level by tasking you with solving sixteen 5-letter words simultaneously.

Developed byKenneth Crawford
GenerPuzzle Game
AvailabilityWeb browser

All 16 hidden words are displayed in a grid on your screen. Each guess you make applies to all words simultaneously. This means your first guess reveals color clues across the entire puzzle!

Like in Wordle, you’ll see green, yellow, and gray tiles to guide your next guesses. You have a total of 21 attempts to solve all 16 words. Grayed-out letters cannot be used again in any of the words.

As you play, the number of possible letters you can use will decrease, adding to the strategic challenge.

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How to play Sedeccordal Game?

This game is a hybrid of a Wordle game, instead of guessing one word, you have to guess four words in a single game. Since you have more guesses in Sedecordle than in Wordle, the layout of the puzzle is much larger. It takes more time to both guess and solve the problem.

  • 16x the Wordle Fun: Instead of a single puzzle, you’re faced with a grid of sixteen hidden words.
  • Familiar Color Clues: Green, yellow, and gray tiles guide your guesses, just like in Wordle. The green color indicates the correct letter and position, while the yellow color indicates the correct one but should be in a different position. Whereas the gray color indicates that the letter is wrong.
  • Strategic Challenge: Each guess applies across ALL puzzles, so you need to think about how your word choices impact multiple possibilities at once.
  • 21 Attempts: You have more guesses than Wordle, but the sheer number of words makes for a brain-bending challenge.

Sedeccordal (Daily Game) Answer for Today April 5, 2024


Sedecordle Tips

  • Choose words with diverse vowels and consonants to get maximum initial clues across the board.
  • Consider using a notebook to keep track of letter hints for each of the sixteen words individually.
  • How will your guess limit your options for other puzzles? Plan strategically!

Sedecordle vs. Wordle

Sedecordle ramps up the difficulty of the Wordle formula significantly. With sixteen words to solve and only 21 guesses, you need a whole new level of strategy and word knowledge.

More Brain Games

Many brain games exist on the internet such as Dordle, Nerdle, Tridle Octordle and Quordle.

Want more brain-boosting fun? Explore our Brain games section for even more word games and logic puzzles!

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