Waffle game - Waffle Word Game

Waffle – daily word game tips and tricks


Waffle is a word game in which players try to guess the hidden word to win the game. Some people call it Waffle Wordle because it is somehow similar to the Wordle game.

In Wordle Unlimited, players type letters using the keyboard to find the correct answer. In Waffle, however, players simply swipe letters from one position to another using a finger or the mouse. If the players can rearrange all letters in the correct position, they will be able to win the game.

On this page, we will share some tips, and the latest tricks for this daily word game.

Rules of the Waffle Game

  1. Solve the Waffle puzzle within a maximum of 15 swaps.
  2. A minimum of 10 moves is required to solve the puzzle.
  3. Earn stars at the end of the game based on your remaining moves.

Special Cases

There are two special cases in the game, the players have to know what next they should do when they are stuck with these two or any of the one special cases. These two cases are:

1. The same letter multiple times in one word

In this case, when the same letter appears multiple times in a word, only the first one will be highlighted. This means that neither letter is in the right spot. Let’s see how this works with the word “HSASE

You see two “S” letters in the below image, but neither is in the correct position.

Both "S" are in wrong position
Both “S” are in the wrong position

Once you put one “S” in the right place, it turns green (highlighted). The other “S” turns gray (not highlighted), which means you don’t need this letter in the word anymore. Ignore that second “S” and go ahead.

Special Cases in Waffle: The same letter multiple times in a word. First "S" is highlighted
One “S” is highlighted

2. The Funky Dingo Situation

In this rule, The same letter is repeated in both row and column (horizontally and vertically). For example – In the below image, you see “FNLIYDNLGO“, there’s an ‘N’ making a crossroads!

  2. The Funky Dingo Situation -  'N' making a crossroads!
‘N’ making a crossroads!

Then one N should be taken as common and another one should be ignored.

  2. The Funky Dingo Situation -  'N' is taken common
‘N’ is taken common

You notice, after some swaps, one ‘N’ turns green! That means both words use the letter ‘N’. But WAIT! If the other ‘N’ stays grey… this means there’s ANOTHER ‘N’ hiding somewhere else!

How to Play Waffle Game?

  1. Calm your mind and take a moment to examine all the letters before starting.
  2. See the letters in the game and think of potential words you could create.
  3. Now start rearranging the letters in proper order horizontally and vertically, To move them you can drag and drop the letters to put the correct position.
  4. Once you drag the letters to a new position, they will change colors to hint to you whether they are in the correct position or not. These hints help you refine your guesses. Based on these clues you have to reposition the letters again to guess the correct answer. Observe these color hints:
    • Green: The letter is in the right spot.
    • Yellow: The letter is in the word but in the wrong position.
    • Grey: Letter is not used in the solution.
Color-coded hints in the image with an example
Color-coded hints in the image with an example

After each move, carefully track the remaining moves displayed below the puzzle.

Where to play

The game can be played on its official website for free of cost. If you want to play while eating your breakfast, click on the button below –


The game is currently available in web browser mode only. It is free to play for all.



  • Players get 15 attempts to solve the puzzle, with moves deducted and displayed below the board.
  • Color-coded hints guide players toward the correct word, making it both challenging and fun for vocabulary practice.
  • Waffle’s drag-and-swap feature and star rewards upon completion set it apart from other word games.

Pros and Cons of the game

Waffle offers a stimulating word puzzle experience, but be prepared for a challenge! It can be both rewarding when you crack the code on time, or frustrating when you run out of moves.

Is Waffle safe for kids?

Yes, Waffle is safe for kids. It contains no mature content or intrusive ads. It could be a good way for children to practice vocabulary and spelling, but the difficulty level might be more suited to older children and teens.

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