Roblox Popularity Score

Roblox Popularity Score


While comparing the data from the previous 5 years, we can expect a rise in search traffic in April Month and also in July 2023.

Causes Affecting Roblox Popularity Score

The weekly major decline can be seen on weekends or on Saturday and Sunday when schools are closed. You can also see a major decline in search interest during public holidays.

The game is played by school students any exam, parent meeting, vacation (Christmas Holiday), or public observance can lower the overall users which may reflect the number of searches (for queries) for the specific period.

Final comment

In conclusion, the popularity of Roblox in the United States of America is undeniable.

It has become an extremely popular and successful video game among children and adults alike, providing hours of entertainment while also helping to develop problem-solving skills.

With its high popularity score, it’s no surprise that Roblox continues to be a fan favorite across the nation. The above data is prepared with the help of Google Trends.

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