In today’s time, it is very common to have a diabetes Patient in almost every household. In diabetes, the level of sugar in the blood remains high for a long time. Due to the high blood sugar level, frequent urination, thirst, and increased appetite become a regular problem.
In a diabetic patient, the pancreas of a person does not produce enough insulin. If this condition lasts for a long time, the patient will likely suffer from many diseases.
Foods to be Eaten in Diabetes – Diabetes Patient Diet
Sugar patients should always intake fruits or other food items after thinking carefully. Otherwise, the sugar of the diabetic patient will become high, which can be fatal.

As soon as diabetes is detected, patients immediately start taking Ayurvedic or allopathy medicine to control the sugar, It is crucial that patients need to first pay attention to their diet.
Let us know what diabetic patients should eat –
- Bananas also contain a good amount of carbohydrates. Diabetic patients may consume half a banana at a time instead of eating a whole banana.
- A diabetic patient may eat one or half an apple daily. Apples are rich in antioxidants. It lowers cholesterol levels and improves digestion.
- Guava fruit is very beneficial for diabetic patients. Guava contains all necessary vitamins, like – Vitamin A, vitamin C. It is a good source of dietary fiber. It contains small amounts of sugar.
- Pear fruit contains a good amount of vitamins and dietary fiber. Consumption of this food is considered suitable for diabetes patients.
- Peach fruits contain essential nutrients and contain small amounts of sugar, they have a low glycemic index, so diabetic patients can consume them.
- Jamun fruit is also beneficial for diabetic patients. It helps in reducing blood sugar.
Food to be Avoided in Diabetes – Diabetes Patient Diet
Diet is the most important factor for maintaining sugar levels in diabetic patients. With the help of proper diet and exercise, you can control diabetes to a great extent. Some recommendations are below –
Fruits with a high amount of sugar should not be eaten or avoided by diabetic patients. For example, the juice of grapes, cherries, pineapple, banana, dry fruits, and sweet fruits etc.
A small grapefruit also contains about one gram of carbohydrates. Therefore, a diabetic patient should consume it very carefully. Like grapes, a cherry contains one gram of carbohydrate, so it should be eaten in a strictly balanced quantity.
Ripe pineapples contain high levels of sugar, so this fruit should not be eaten by diabetic patients or taken only occasionally in small amounts.
Ripe mango contains about 25-30 grams of carbohydrates. It increases the level of sugar in the blood. Therefore, avoid the consumption of mango.
Do not consume too many dry fruits. Especially dry fruits containing raisins, sugar or chocolate hence restricted for consumption.
Sweet fruit juices are also restricted. If you are a diabetic patient keep away from taking juice unless there is a condition of hyperglycemia in the body. Eat fruit instead of juice.
Diabetes Patient Diet plan
To control diabetes, first of all, it is necessary to make changes in your diet and lifestyle. Otherwise, it becomes difficult to control the levels of sugar in your body.
Diabetes is nothing but a metabolic disorder. Generally, what we eat is converted into glucose through the digestive process and spreads throughout the body through the blood.
The insulin hormone then converts glucose into energy. In diabetes, either the body does not make enough insulin or cannot use insulin properly.

Therefore, the body is unable to convert sugar, starch, and other necessary foods into energy. Therefore, the diet of a should be controlled in such a way that it could not result in sudden high blood sugar levels.
As per the experts, the diet of a diabetic patient should contain 60 percent carbohydrate, 20 percent fat, and 20 percent protein. Two seasonal fruits and three types of vegetables must be eaten daily.
One should not consume non-vegetarian food, especially red meat should not be consumed at all. It would be better if you follow the diabetes diet table given below.
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Diabetes Patient Diet Plan – TimeTable
After waking up in the morning drink half a teaspoon of fenugreek powder in a glass of water or soak barley in water at night and drink this water after filtering it in the morning.
After an hour, you can take sugar-free tea and 2-3 biscuits with mild sweetness.
For breakfast, a bowl of sprouted grains and non-skim milk or one to two bowls of oatmeal and brown bread. Two parathas without oil and a cup of curd, wheat flakes, and skimmed milk. Eat guava, apple, orange, or papaya before lunch.
Eat two rotis, a small bowl of rice, a bowl of lentils, a bowl of vegetables, a curd, and a plate of salad. In the evening snack, you can have green tea without sugar and lightly sweetened biscuits or any baked snack.
Eat two rotis and one bowl of vegetables for dinner. Drink one-fourth teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm milk before going to bed.
Points to be remembered while following a diet plan
Keep in mind that if you are a diabetic patient, then eat food in small intervals, because by eating a lot of food at once, the level of sugar in the blood rises very fast. Divide the food of the day into five parts and eat small amounts each time.
The diet of a diabetic patient should be high in fiber, such as carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, oats, etc. with peels, as they get absorbed slowly in the bloodstream.
Take 2 kg of wheat and barley and grind them with one kg of a gram. Use this flour with bran to make roti.
Vegetables include bitter gourd, fenugreek, drumstick, spinach, pumpkin, turnip, brinjal, tienda, amaranth, Pointed gourds radish, cauliflower, bok, tomato, cabbage, soybean large, black gram, beans, capsicum, green leafy vegetables diet include in. Eat soup made from them as well.
To remove weakness, take raw coconut, walnuts, peanuts, cashew, isabgol, soybean, curd, and buttermilk, etc.
Consumption of green tea is very beneficial for diabetic patients. The antioxidants present in it keep the person healthy. Be it green tea or black tea, both should be consumed without milk and sugar.
Your lifestyle during Diabetes
- Walk for half an hour every morning.
- Exercise daily for some time in the morning and evening.
- Do yoga and pranayama daily.
- Live a stress-free life.
- Abstain from alcohol and smoking.

Yoga and asanas prevent diabetes one can do these yoga and asanas to control diabetes.
Some recommended Yoga asanas: Sarvangasana, Uttanpada asana, Halasana, Naukasana, Setubandhasana, Matsyasana.
Along with diet, diabetic patients should pay special attention to lifestyle. Adopting a bad lifestyle can increase the problem of sugar.