How to use Google Disavow Tool to remove bad backlinks?

How to use Google Disavow Tool to remove bad backlinks?


The Google Disavow Tool can be an incredibly powerful tool for cleaning up the bad backlinks that are damaging your site’s SEO performance.

It can also be a tricky tool to use if you don’t know what you’re doing. In this article, we will explain how to use it and why it’s so important for improving your website’s search engine rankings.

We will also discuss the different types of backlinks you might want to disavow and provide tips on how to identify bad links.

By understanding how to use the tool properly, you can save yourself a lot of time and energy in removing bad backlinks from your website.

What is the Google Disavow Tool?

The Google Disavow Tool is a powerful tool that allows you to remove bad backlinks from your website. This tool is designed to help you clean up your backlink profile and improve your website’s SEO.

How Does the Tool Work?

This tool allows you to submit a list of links that you want Google to ignore when determining the ranking of your site. This can be useful if you have a lot of low-quality or spammy backlinks pointing to your site.

To use the disavow tool, you first need to create a txt file that contains the list of links that you want to disavow.

Each link should be on its own line. You can then upload this file to the disavow tool and Google will begin ignoring the links in the file.

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It is important to note that using the disavow tool should be a last resort. You should only use this tool if you have tried other methods of removing harmful backlinks and those efforts have failed.

Additionally, you should only disavow links that you are sure are bad for your site. If you disavow good links, it could harm your site’s ranking.

Yes, the Google Disavow Tool can be helpful in removing bad backlinks to your site.

If you have a large number of bad backlinks, it can take some time to remove them all manually. The tool can help speed up this process.

How to Use?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use it:

  1. Go to Google Disavow Tool here and select the property you want to work with
  2. Click on the “Upload Disavow list” button.
  3. Upload your disavow file. This should be a txt. file that contains the links you want to disavow, one per line. You can also include comments by using the “#” symbol.
  4. Once you’ve uploaded your file, Google will process it and then provide you with a message confirming that the links have been disavowed.

How to create a Txt file or ‘Upload Disavow list’?

  1. Go to the Search Console and identify the spammy links. Copy the identified links that you want to disavow
  2. Open the notepad on your computer and paste all these links per line
  3. After pasting the links just suffix domain: before each link per line. For example, if your copied domain is then after adding a prefix, it will show like:
  4. Save the file and name it what you like but it must be ending with the suffix .txt for example if you want to keep the file name infrexa then after suffixing .txt it will look like infrexa.txt
  5. Save this file on your computer
  6. Now click on the Upload Disavow button and upload the file on the Google Disavow Tool Page here.

If you have followed the above steps carefully, then you will see and successful upload message on your screen. During the procedure, you should always keep in mind –

  • Only one domain is allowed per line
  • The file must be in .txt format in UTF-8 or 7-bit ASCII
  • Maximum URL length is 2,048 characters
  • If you want to add any comment to the file, you must always use # before it. Any lines that begin with # will be ignored by Google. For example, # two pages to disavow or # two domains to disavow
  • The maximum file size is 100,000 lines (including blank lines and comment lines) and 2MB.

It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for the effects of bad backlinks to be removed.

Pros and Cons of Using the Google Disavow Tool

There are a lot of opinions out there about the tool. Some people swear by it, while others think it’s not worth the effort. So, what’s the truth? Is the Disavow Tool worth using?


  1. The Disavow Tool can help you remove bad backlinks from your site.
  2. It can help you improve your site’s ranking on Google.
  3. Can also help you avoid penalties from Google.
  4. It is easy to use.
  5. It is free to use.


  • The Disavow Tool doesn’t guarantee that all of your bad backlinks will be removed from your site.
  • The Disavow Tool may take a long time to see results, if any.
  • You could potentially harm your site if you use the Disavow Tool incorrectly.

After using Google Disavow Tool will my blog or website rank on Google?

This can be a helpful tool if you have been the victim of negative SEO like – if your competitor has targeted you to harm your site or if you have built up a large number of low-quality backlinks.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using this tool. First, it is important to only use it as a last resort.

If you can remove the bad backlinks yourself, that is always the best option. Second, make sure that you submit a list of all the bad backlinks to Google.

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If you only submit part of the list, Google may not take action on your request. Finally, be patient. It can take some time for Google to process your request and remove the bad backlinks.

If you follow these guidelines, using Google Disavow can be an effective way to clean up your backlink profile and improve your website’s ranking on Google.


The Google Disavow Tool can be an invaluable tool for removing any bad backlinks from your site.

It is important to remember that while it can help clean up your link profile, you should always take precautions such as monitoring the sites linking to you and making sure they are reputable websites.

Additionally, if a website has already linked to you, then use Google Search Console’s Linked Domains report to find out more information about the website before disavowing them.

By following these steps, you will ensure that only quality links remain pointing toward your website.

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